
Well folks, I finished the baby quilt !
I originally had thoughts that it would be somewhat like my other quilt…

…but I guess it just became it’s own thing – less red I think

Anyhow, I took it over to the nursing home on my visit today
and had it duly admired by some of the ladies there. I really like
it and hopefully the baby will spare it from too many washings.
There also arrived a special package today – my rocking chair!!! It’s unfinished so I get to sand, stain and varnish it. Looks like I finished the one project just in time for the mext! Now all I need is a warm day outside….


I skipped my walk yesterday,
took a nap,
went to bed at a decent hour,
slept in a bit this morning and…
….I’m still tired!


I am nearing the end…..

 Jogging changed to walking last week as I’m getting a little big. It was so hard not to jog Sat. when I went out with Brian because being out in the early morning brings on such a strong memory of jogging. Brian wouldn’t hear of it however so I rode my bike beside him while he got all the workout. We did walk a ways afterwards which was nice, though I could tell that jogging would have really messed me up.

I’ve also been having a bit of heartburn because everything is so squished up inside of me. After trying to ignore it, hoping it would go away, I followed a tip from my midwife and set off for the health food store to find papaya or ginger. At first all I could find was crystalized ginger but was hesitant to buy it due to a vivid memory of a strong dose of ginger/carrot juice at a friend’s house *shudder* I guess you get used to it. Anyhow, I wanted something I’d actually use, so after explaining things to the lady running the counter she pointed me to some papaya enzyme tablets. I think this is the first nutritional supplement I’ve ever taken (besides a daily vitamin or vit. C) but it has seemed to help.

Today I’m just tired – though I haven’t really been doing much. A good walk or a hot bath sounds very appealing to me right now….maybe to curl up with a good book….or work on my baby quilt

……..9 weeks left to go!


Baby Quilt!

Here are the blocks as far as I had finished last night.

I’ve put borders on and now I’m quilting them – more pictures later!



                          The new toy!

Brian has spent a good deal of time looking up monitors, comparing prices and shopping for store returns. He wanted to get me a flat screen monitor so I can utilize my desk space better. Just yesterday we found a good deal and with the help of some gift cards and money given to us for Christmas, we came home with the above monitor.
  Brian set it all up but because it’s a wide screen and my laptop doesn’t have settings for that, everything looked stretched and distorted. Brian spent all evening messing with settings and downloading drivers but nothing was working. We half heartedly discussed a few options and went to bed discouraged.
  Weeping and sorrow may endure for the night….
Brian got up to study this morning, but the unfinished problem wouldn’t leave him alone. A little more looking around and he found what made it work! He got everything fixed and got me up to come and look at it!
   ….But joy comes in the morning.
I’ve been enjoying it all day as I go about my normal computer tasks. Everything looks so nice and neat now – cables and cords stowed away, a USB hub peeking out from under the screen, keyboard tray that slides out of view and the monitor tucked away in the corner. Plenty of room for scrapbooking, or sewing without having to move my whole computer work station!
  Brian is one great guy!

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