You are browsing the archive for 2013.

Phonics with the Cahills

Phonics with the Cahills

We just finished our third week of school. We learned the letter ‘I’ and Ivy demonstrates how to make one with the wood pieces Daddy and Papa Doc made for us. Flora just wanted to make a stripped “zebra” paper. Her other favorite thing to make is “F” (wonder why?) and somehow in review, all […]

Life is Good…

Life is Good…

…And always happening! Here’s a little look into some of our recent doings. On the work side: Amy found a great deal on some peach trees which meant they had to be planted…and watered…and Brian decided dragging a hose is for the birds. Thus an ambitious project ensued – putting in a watering system. First […]

A weekend project

A weekend project

Brian had a three day weekend and his parents had the kids – so we thought to take on a house project – and this one turned out bigger than we thought! After putting up a tile backsplash in the bathrooms last Saturday afternoon, we figured the kitchen should go quickly enough. Amy’s Dad had […]

Special days for a special girl

Special days for a special girl

My second born, energetic, creative thinking, clone of myself turned a big 4 years old on July 6th. Grandparents were visiting on her special day and had a birthday present for her. I told her she could open it when the little girls woke up from their nap. Later I walked into the room and […]

Eat Mor Chikin

Eat Mor Chikin

Enjoyed a meal at Chick-fil-a the other night!

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