

Tuesday’s speech had an error which someone very kindly pointed out to me and I would like to correct it. I had stated that Adam was given the command to be fruitful and multiply before Eve was created and then gave that as the reason for her creation. This is incorrect; Eve was created at […]


I just found out why I have passed all my tests, here is a letter from my 7 year old sister, Katie: Dear Girls,       I heard that Amy is doing well on her tests.  I’ll pray that she will pass every test that comes so that she will be able to get out of college and […]


I wonder…if we have extended curfew until midnight, then can we remain up and out because it is a new day?


Praise God what a beautiful day!!! Sun was shining, sky was blue, and I was outdoors enjoying it – I even got a little bit of a sunburn The kitchen girls, Taylor, my sisters and I went to Kim’s grandmother’s house to go sledding. Everything was so perfect; it was just a day to be […]


Wow, God surely has an interesting sense of timing, I could hardly believe the chapel topic this morning, I had nothing to do with that. I must say that Mr Pierpont did a supurb job, that’s how I would have liked my speech to come across – not prideful or condemning, but shared out of […]

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