
Sorry for the lack of update. After a busy weekend and guests on Sunday and Monday, I fell sick and spent all of Tuesday mostly in bed! My incredible husband came home from work early to take charge of Lance after his afternoon nap so I could continue to rest. By Wednesday I felt better and spent that whole day catching up everything I missed doing on Tuesday. So that brings me to today – a good time to post!

Since we’re on the subject of health, I thought I would post on Lance’s recent Dr. visit – documented with the help of Brian’s phone.

Even though we’re just “going to see Grandpa,” Lance seems to have forebodings about the visit.

On the growth chart Lance stretches to make 2 ft. – guess we don’t have any “weeds” in our garden patch!

Lance weighed in at 15 lbs. 1 oz! (minus 1 oz. for the pacifier)

Now for the official measuring….stop moving, I can’t get an accurate read….ah, 24 in. As Grandpa put it, Lance is getting shorter – he’s now off the charts! (or below the charts that is)

Grandpa and Lance have a bonding moment – all seems fine so far! Until Grandpa sneaks out of the room, that is….

To be replaced by the mean nurses! Way to take a guy by surprise – all smiles one minute and whamo! they get you the next.

Lance is a tough guy though and only cried a little bit. Dad tells him it’s okay while grandpa comes back, now that the worst is over – don’t want to risk future relationships over a few shots, do we? :-)

So Lance is pronounced healthy and good to go until next time.  “It’s so nice to have family taking care of me.”

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