
I finally wrote my last paper for college! It was an extra paper that
they called my “Academic Autobiography” (that has got to be good
reading ) and theu said it should
“reflect on all that I have learned and how it all tied together to
make me feel like an educated person (or something like that). Well, if
I learned anything in college it was how to write a paper on vauge
guidelines. So this afternoon I sat down and had a little fun. I put my
paper down below for you to read – it’s at least good for a laugh

            My desire in pursuing a
Bachelors degree was to expand my knowledge on the works of man. My choice of a
concentration in Nutritional Science was to understand the inner workings of
man. From science to psychology, I wanted to know what makes man “tick”.

            Throughout my academic
career, I gained most of my knowledge by reading the works of man. Accordingly,
the first credit hours I gained came through a test on English Literature. I
had read many of the English classics, not only gaining an appreciation for good
writing and different styles, but becoming immersed in the times and traditions
of the culture as well. American Literature really drove home the point of how
the books reflect the era and personal beliefs of the author.

            Another aspect of men’s
work is their actions. These acts are duly recorded and handed down to us in
the form of history. My study of history was greatly enhanced by a course on
world religions. I say this because religion influences what a man thinks about
life, and as a man thinks, so is he. As I read through world history, I saw
that Pharaoh thought he was a god and ruled his country as the supreme right or
wrong; Muhammad and his followers formed all laws and actions on the concept of
Allah as god and that no other religion should be left standing; Greeks had
many gods with loose morals and patterned their lives accordingly; Romans
believed in justice. When studying United States history, I saw that
our country was formed on a religious foundation, our forefathers believing
that man was created by God and thus had “unalienable rights.” Even the concept
of law, judgment and separation of powers comes from the Bible.

            Ethics tie the inner
workings of man’s psychology and morality to his actions and creations. This
particular area provoked much thought as I sought to explain why we could
condemn the actions   of men such as
Hitler, and whether there is an absolute set of morals concerning how we should
treat each other and the living things around us. Reading through the
philosophers, I noticed that each theory became more confusing as they tried to
explain away the flaws of their predecessor’s ethical code. Yet even the latest
code taken to it’s extreme fails to explain the origin of right and wrong and
why we should behave in any certain way.

            Man’s works are a
result of what goes on inside of him, so as I moved into my concentration, I
sought to narrow my study accordingly. Psychology is a key to understanding why
men do what thy do. Probably the greatest single concept I came away with was
that decision and action are influenced by many factors. In ethics,
philosophers debated over man’s soul, while in psychology, they debated over
man’s mind. Whether cognitive or behavioral, pre-operational or hierarchy of
needs, each psychologist had theories supported by tests and observations.
However, nothing was able to sort everyone into neat categories, there were
always deviations from the norm. Because each theory can be supported, I
surmised that there is some truth in each one, further concluding that human
learning and behavior is best explained by a combination of the theories.

            Science, particularly
medical science, could be defined as the workings of man that attempt to
determine the inner workings of man. Starting with gross anatomy and general
biology, I soon delved deeper into physiology and microbiology. Although these
studies were fascinating to me, they were merely laying the foundation for the
nutritional studies to come. The medical studies brought a whole new awareness
to my life. When friends described physical symptoms, I found I could explain
to them what was going on, why it was happening and some things they could try
to help. Not that I was a doctor by any stretch, but small problems, such as
sore muscles, are easy enough to take care of if you know the cause.

            Every action performed
by man is an expenditure of energy and something must be done to replace that
loss; this is where nutrition comes in. Among the many courses in nutrition, I
think my favorite would be Nutrition in the Life Cycle. Starting with pre-natal
nutritional concerns and continuing through elderly health issues, every
concept taught was so easy to apply to life. When reading about the growth and
eating patterns of toddlers, I was able to evaluate a true-life situation with
my young nephew and even pass along some tips to his mother. My father had some
health concerns, which I learned were typical for his age, and he was
constantly asking me about what he should and shouldn’t eat. Not only was I
able to expound on what was good for him, but I could also help him understand
the “why” behind my advice. This was beneficial for both of us because he would
be more likely to make good choices, while I had the satisfaction of seeing his
health improve.

            By completing this
period of study, I have acquired a better knowledge of man, both his works and
his workings. I understand that there are many facts and theories in this
world, and to better relate to those around me, whether in nutritional
counseling, business relationships or friendships, I have increased my
knowledge of man. The heart of him who has understanding will seek out
knowledge and this is what I have done in pursuing this degree.


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