Hi everyone! This is Ivy. Mom was short on time but I have lots of time so I may be doing more posts soon. We have been studying ww1 so mom asked one of the neighbors if we could dig some trenches on their dirt mound. They said yes and we set to work. The older kids (cousins included) did most of the digging while the younger ones anticipated the completion and ran around. While we weren’t digging we made props, I made gas masks for the little boys while Flora and Mom made some grenades. The others made some smoke bombs. The three boys got army uniforms for christmas so they wore those. The other kid scraped together costumes from our dress-up cloths boxes. We had black cats left over from New Years and used those as well as the smoke bombs.The cousins and some friends joined us and we all marched out to the dirt mound to make war.

Trench foot

Skye was in charge of the messenger dogs.


The rat hunters, Kalmar……

And Betsy!

The Yankees!

With gas masks

Man the machine guns!!

A French soldier

The Germans

With gas masks

Germans are cheaters!

A Christmas truce


The casualties

Gas victim

Cutest sniper!

4 responses to “WW1”

  1. Tom Bickel

    It’s always a delight to see American Christian homeschoolers and their creativity. You have more homeschooling children in your immediate family than we have in our entire city of 120,000 here in Shizuoka prefecture, Japan.

  2. Nana

    Ivy, you did such a great job and what a blessing for your mom and your family. The pictures and comments are so well done. I can’t wait to look at them again with Papa Doc.

  3. Grammy

    This was an amazing re-enactment. I’m sure you all will end up loving history. Great post, Ivy!

  4. Carol

    The black and whites really look authentic.

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