


Hi everyone! This is Ivy. Mom was short on time but I have lots of time so I may be doing more posts soon. We have been studying ww1 so mom asked one of the neighbors if we could dig some trenches on their dirt mound. They said yes and we set to work. The […]

Testing 1-2-3

Testing 1-2-3

Hello subscribers – if I have any left! I have not posted much in the last few years because the platform I used had some issues that made it extrememly time consuming to post. At our Thanksgiving family gathering a brother-in-law put some time in troubleshooting and we may have a fix, so I’m testing […]

Broken and mended

Broken and mended

Thursday morning a week ago, I was just finishing chore check when a child comes in the house crying in a way I don’t often hear. I rush to meet the child, expecting to see blood or something but it’s Iris holding her wrist, crying how it hurts! One look and I know it’s broken. […]

2 birthdays

2 birthdays

Garrison recently celebrated 2 birthdays on the same day! Let me explain. This summer he saw his cousin follow Jesus through baptism and had a lot of questions. We had multiple conversations on sin and the choice to either reject or accept Jesus’ death as payment for that sin. During one of these conversations, I could […]

Greek Drama!

Greek Drama!

We just finished up the fall semester for our co-op! I was in charge of history class and we covered ancient Greece. For part of our class, we worked on drama presentations and were able to perform them for the parents on our celebration night. Ivy coached the 6-9 year old class in several of […]

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