Winter wonder (part 1)

I used to tell my friends, and then my children, snow just doesn’t happen where we live. Well, this winter changes that! Apparently every 80 years or so, our area does get cold and this winter happened to be that time!IMG_2089

The first snow happened in January, which I wanted to blog about but just didn’t get around to doing.


I was a beautiful, wet snow, perfect for making snowmen.

The neighbor had a fantastic sledding hill which we put to good use!

The whole episode was amazing! Beautiful! Our barn has never looked so nice! 🙂

Kids and dog had a great time. Everything was enjoyed and gone in three days. Life went back to normal! That’s how it is in Texas, right?

Stayed tuned for part 2…

One response to “Winter wonder (part 1)”

  1. Jack Paslay

    I liked the way the dog posed for the picture just like the kids did.

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