2 birthdays!

A little catch up here on our March birthdays – Lance and Eden.

We happen to be studying flying insects for science in our homeschool co-op. This became the theme of our little celebration that appealed both to Eden (beautiful butterflies) and Lance (creepy crawlies). I planned some activities and spent a fun Monday with my sister prepping and making some decorations. The day of the party dawned clear, bright and with evidence that a stomach bug had hit our household. It took a week to clear through all of us but by the next Tuesday we were ready to party!


Eden – 5, Lance – 9


For the boys/older kids we did a bug scavenger hunt.


Ran off some excitement with spider web tag


And raced snails we found in Grammy’s garden – they all start in the small circle and the first that makes it to the larger, outer circle wins!


Meanwhile, the girls caught “butterflies” made of tissue paper that we put on fan blades to make them flutter down when the fan turned on. This game was a big hit. We also had face painting and posed as butterflies.


And if your face didn’t get painted – well, body art is the next best thing. They made poster board wings to wear.


We ate caterpillars, butterflies and popcorn. ‘Flower nectar’ and ‘bug juice’ were also enjoyed.

A good time was had by all. Thanks to those that helped bring this about.

2 responses to “2 birthdays!”

  1. anne jones

    Great ideas for a fun party!

  2. Stacie

    I love the butterfly catching game – sounds so fun! Happy birthday Eden and Lance!

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