Romans project

We’ve recently enjoyed the addition of some new baby goats! At the same time, I’ve been working on a memory project this year with a challenge from Ann Voskamp. I’ve found that milking goats is a good time to memorize and take in the milk of the word – drinking it line by line to satisfy my soul. And so, because I’m supposed to have a video recitation for accountability I thought I’d do it while you watch the goats enjoy their meal. Maybe one day I’ll be this desperate to get His word into the very core of me:

And just a few pictures of our adventures with these cuties!!

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A minutes old baby. My children then got to experience birth for the first time as two more were added in short succession.

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The triplets – Flora, Fauna and Merryweather.

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Twins were added two days later – Ivy and Katie enjoy all the baby cuteness while a mama looks on.

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Someone is sure excited about all these new friends to play with!!

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Cousin Jenny comes over to join the fun.

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Lance is my good barn helper!

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Ivy figures out crowd control at feeding time.

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Mom! Quick, I need a bottle, this one is trying to eat me!!

2 responses to “Romans project”

  1. Jack Paslay

    Great bunch of pictures. Nothing like some cute animals to bring out the cuteness in kids.

  2. Carol Cahill

    Always love the pics and am proud of you for memorizing the scriptures.

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