So much has happened!

While taking time out to post on special events like VBS and birthday parties our kiddos have been undergoing a lot of change that I’m sure the grandparents (and the rest of my reading audience) would like to hear about.

Starting with the youngest: I’m now almost 17 weeks along and feeling pretty good. Last Sunday night Brian and I both got to feel our little one kicking for the first time – very fun! I tell Lance that mommy has a baby in her tummy and he will say “hi, baby” and kiss my belly. I don’t think he has a clue what I’m talking about but it sure is cute! Brian and I think it’s a boy because that’s the only name we have settled on and each time the name we liked best turned out to be the gender of the baby.

Now for Ivy: She’s 11 1/2 months and changing every day!   


Her smile is making a big change with four new teeth peeping in on top.

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Her walking skills are perfected, she can squat and stand up on her own. She cannot run however which leads to frustration when playing with the “big kids”.

She’s starting to talk a little – her first word was “clap” – go figure. She has also learned a few signs; ‘more’, ‘please’ and we’re working on ‘all done’. She does ‘more’ at the beginning of this video and if you listen closely at the end she says “all done” which sounds like “nnnnnnnn, da”.

She loves to “read” books, both on her own and with mommy or daddy. She can do a lion growl which is really cute as well as saying “mmmmm” for moo. It’s amazing to watch how fast she picks things up!

On to Lance: I had someone comment on his smile “I looked up little boy in the dictionary and there was your picture.” His grin is so big and infectious that everybody loves him. The little girls at church rush past Ivy and zero in on Lance.

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Of course, one can’t smile all the time. Lance wet his pants while at the park and totally broke down – I took the picture because I loved the display of raw emotion.

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Lance is very serious about his work or play. In the first photo he has lined up cans after I showed him they could be drums. We checked out “Hand, Hand, Fingers Thumb” from the library and it is now his favorite book. He loves the monkeys and can even drum with “one thumb”. I wonder how many times we can recheck it before we have to give it back :-)   He loves to throw and pour and will repeat those actions over and over.

Lance loves to rough and tumble and has learned to do a somersault….well, almost.

He also continues to learn sign language. I’ve employed the help of some baby sign videos from the library and Lance knows over 30 signs. Here he shows off about 15 of his new ones.

We sure do enjoy watching our kids grow and learn. What a blessing be with them every day and be a part of each new stage.

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