
To accompany the poem I wrote for Brian and Lance about footprints, I did one on handprints for Ivy and I.


My little hands are growing fast

Their awkward groping soon will clasp;

Daddy’s finger, Mommy’s hand

Word of God, then wedding band.

God’s handiwork in me is proved

He takes my hands and makes them move.

He strengthens me to do what’s right;

To serve Him with my heart and might.

Mommy’s hands are teaching me

I’m imitating all I see;

Cleaning, cooking, play with brother

Helping dad and serving others.

My hand prints now, though small and sweet

Soon leave their mark on all I meet.

Mom’s hands, through mine, can take or give

Through what she does and how she lives.



Thanks to Brian who did the photo shoot and Stacie for her suggestions as I wrote the poem.

One response to “Handprints”

  1. jennifer

    beautiful poem and pictures

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