Day 1 – Monday

Titus 2:4-5

That they (the older women) may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discrete, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

My little sister, Katie is visiting for two weeks, to play with Lance, have special time with me and observe the household workings. Part of joining in my daily life is to see what a wife does each day and in light of that, we’re going through the above verses and putting them into practice.

Be Sober: To do one’s duty, be moderate, thoughtful, and learn to make wise decisions.

After a week of no women in the house, there were things that needed doing! Katie and I practice having a sober mind by planning out our day in order to accomplish everything. Schedules must be flexible however.

Before shopping, laundry must be done.

After Landry is was time to feed Lance.

In the middle of feeding, pest control showed up – surprise!!!

A short round of errands then back for lunch and cleaning the refrigerator before loading it up with groceries.

Lance has a nap and eats again.

It was 2:00 and we needed to pick Brian up at four. Supper had to be started because we were going to look at apartments after we got him and would be getting home hungry – I still had to get groceries and gas.

God took this time to step in and give us some help by opening a new line right when we needed to check out, and letting the gas station across the street have the lowest price.

We unloaded groceries, fixed ourselves up nice to greet Brian, straightened the living room and started dinner – just in time to whisk out the door and get Brian.

Having done all that we needed to do, we were able to relax and enjoy our apartment tour, coming home to good smells and a clean house. As Katie stated in the car, “we’re being sober!”

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