2 weeks old!

Today Lance is two weeks old – hard to believe he’s already been here that long! A lot has changed in that short time.


Here he is just hours after birth – intubated and monitored, having caused a big ruckus and many lost hours of sleep.


And this is today – breathing fine, eating well and sweetly giving his parents a decent nights sleep.

The last few weeks have seen some changes in me as well:


Here I am about a week before Lance came.


And here I am today – baby safely on the outside of me!

It’s kind of funny to be skinny again – sometimes I’ll feel my stomach rumble and my hand will go to my tummy to feel the baby kicking. I also feel just as hungry as I did before having him…and sometimes just as tired. Amazing that I could be walking several miles the two days before delivery but it takes more than two weeks to gain back that ability afterwards! I’m just grateful that the Lord gave strength all through the stay at the hospital and good health to all of us. Life is good.

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