You are browsing the archive for 2006.


I could really use some prayer support today if you care to lift me up. I’ll explain later.


Report from camp – a picture post. Sandy Creek Bible Camp was to be a time of bonding between me and my little sister Katie – me having been gone so much lately and looking at another month away (working at this same camp). This is my whole cabin on the first theme night – […]


Hey all, I have internet access!  I’m taking some time out to post because something awesome happened just yesterday night. I have finally been able to participate in the final step of working in God’s “fields”. I’ve planted and I’ve watered but I’ve never been able to participate in the actual harvest before. Last night […]


Today Katie and I are leaving to attend a camp about an hour from here. I get to be her cabin counselor and we are both really excited! If you want to surprise Katie, you could mail her  a letter to the following address:   Katie Jones c/o Sandy Creek Bible Camp 5051 Prayer ln. […]


Okay, now I’m on wireless and the pictures had better work.    I’m Back! From five intensive weeks to which only the hardcore need to apply. (Which makes me wonder why this is my fourth running year)    This special report is to try and give you a taste of what went on during this […]

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