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Car Report:   Yesterday evening we were traveling home from a birthday celebration for Brian’s grandpa. It was around 12:30am and I had just dozed off when I was jerked out of my sleep by a loud thump followed by a few small bumps. I let out a startled yell, trying to gain a handle […]


Brian and I celebrated our Christmas yesterday evening. We started out with a tradition carried from my childhood – fondue. This was not a chocolate or cheese fondue, but one where you cook meat in boiling oil; great stuff! After dinner we talked a little then Brian read the Christmas story as we sat by […]


I wrote this last night and then found out the wireless access was out and couldn’t post until now – so here goes! Our first Christmas – unlike any other. Since all the family had to leave this morning and Kim had to drop a friend off at the bus stop at 6:15am, Brian and […]


Okay, a few pics from CA – we’ve been having so much fun I’ve hardly had time to post! We made a friend – sort of – on the wharf in Santa Cruz; every step we took towards him, he moved one away. I think he’s giving us the evil eye. We also got to […]


We’re in CA! The scenery here is incredible! It’s a little chilly but six space heaters and a fire place later we got things nice and toasty. I love the redwood trees here. Hopefully pictures will come if I can get my hands on Benj.’s camera. Now off to explore!

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