
Report from camp – a picture post.

Sandy Creek Bible Camp was to be a time of bonding between me and my little sister Katie – me having been gone so much lately and looking at another month away (working at this same camp).

This is my whole cabin on the first theme night – Strangers in a foreign land (we were studying the book of Ruth). We were supposed to dress up like someone from another country, and due to my interest in the place, I picked Russia. The girls loved dressing up and I taught them several words in Russian, one being preevyet meaning hi and had them going around saying preevyet ya’ll – only in Texas

Katie enjoyed swimming and crafts….

…and of course the horse back riding.          And she earned the nickname “spider woman” on the rock wall.

I was concerned about some of the company she kept

The slip ‘n slide was my favorite part.

I think I was the biggest kid out there and the little ones took full advantage.

The bubbles at the end were the greatest! I haven’t had this much fun since….well, we’ll just keep that to ourselves. Let me tell you though, making 40 plus slides down the hill makes for sore stomach muscles the next day.

Katie confidently gave her testimony during campfire time and clearly explained the gospel – I was so proud of her and the witness she is already putting forth.

I put together a little gymnastics routine to the Star Spangled banner for the talent show. They all did such a great job – I was so proud of them!
And the last day, Katie entered the realm of Narnia and was crowned like queen Lucy for her successful completion of the memory work. She’s the greatest little sister anyone could ask for and I was so blessed to spend this week with her.

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