You are browsing the archive for 2007.

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

This Friday I went down to my house to see my family in “The Christmas Carol” The show was done very well and highly entertaining. The show was fast paced so you were never even close to bored and I had to be ever watchful as my family members trooped on and off the stage […]


Currently Listening Pytor Illych Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker – Complete Ballet By Valery Gergiev, Kirov Orchestra and Choir, Tchaikovsky see related


Today I noticed that my shadow looks pregnant.


God knows what we have need of before we ask Him: Yesterday Brian and I took on the project of rotating the tires on the car. Nice weather, fun project together. God knew we needed the practice so we could quickly change a flat tire this morning – in 34 degree weather. God’s timing is […]


The other day brought a major change in our closet…and my wardrobe: I officially put away all my ‘regular’ clothes and installed my maternity clothes. Praise God that someone is growing!

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