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  Well, since it’s almost time to put all the Christmas decorations away, I thought I’d do a little photo show of what we had this year.   Things went up in phases as we added new pieces to our collection so this year’s display really wasn’t complete until after Christmas. Phase one was the […]

Family shots

After reading on Hope’s site how she wished her whole family could have been together, I realized that I now complete two different families! Kind of a strange thing. So in honor of that new realization, I will post the family pictures that we took on Christmas day. The whole family in front of the […]

Christmas morning breakout!

Following a time honored tradition, Dad Cahill built a barricade in the hall late Christmas Eve. Originally started when the kids were young and would wander the house at all hours during that night, it has now become a cherished event and grows more complicated as the guys get older. 4:00 am finds Benj. knocking […]

Weekend Highlights

The family came up to check out our place this week! The majority of them arrived on Wed. and after getting them settled in, I took them on a tour of the neighborhood – including my favorite park! Aren’t we a great looking bunch of gals? The next day we toured the town, meeting Brian […]


Monday I went to the midwife and there discovered I had stepped into a brand new time of life – I now weigh more than I ever have in my life!  Brian weighed in too because we’re having a contest on how long it will take me to weigh as much as him. I’ve still […]

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