You are browsing the archive for 2017.

December family times

December family times

Our December was full of fun family times! Here are a few pictures: Decorating for Christmas Watching the parade.   Advent readings before bed.   An unexpected snow!!!   Snow ice cream!   Enjoying our fireplace.   Finishing the co-op semester with a play.   Dad’s work Christmas party –   A much anticipated and highly […]

October happenings

October happenings

So October happens to be a special month for us – it holds the anniversary of starting our together life. Brian is as devoted now as he was starting out – and maybe even more! Of course, the season of October and big family of little kids brings many other happenings as well! The bulk […]

Anniversary trip!

Anniversary trip!

Our 11th anniversary is coming up this Saturday! In talking things over about six weeks ago we started looking into taking a trip of some sort.  As we began checking into options and childcare everything fell into place for us to go in mid September! A little early maybe, but when childcare for 7 children […]

Catching up

Catching up

Well, Summer has gone and school has begun again. While we spent more time at home over the summer, I turned my attention to projects around the house and just never got around to blogging. So here’s a little recap of the last few months. May: Skye (2) and cousin Heidi (3) shared a birthday […]

Green Thumbs

Green Thumbs

Brian and I love to garden. Something about the “excuse” to spend time outdoors in the lovely spring weather even while there are other projects and chores waiting to be done inside. Like any good garden endeavor – all green thumbs start out as brown thumbs Even if we are dubious about the produce. It […]

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