You are browsing the archive for 2010.



Presents! A family photo shoot by Benj. Cahill. Taken the night Lance and Ivy returned from a week at grandma’s house. Mommy and her babies. Lance loves his new baby sister. Our little gift from God.

A fun and busy weekend.

A fun and busy weekend.

Saturday morning we decided to visit a Christmas tree farm. (this was the same place as the pumpkin patch we visited earlier). We mostly went because we knew it had a little train that ran on weekends and Lance is obsessed with them right now. Unfortunately, two of the train cars had a flat so […]

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Last week (before the kids got back) Flora helped me make her stocking. However, we wanted to wait until the big kids got home before we did any decorating so Tuesday our Christmas gears were set in motion. First, Lance and Ivy got busy painting shirts for their friends. That evening Daddy got out the […]

The kids are back

The kids are back


My sister and brother are into film making and produced this film short for my Mom’s birthday using all her grandkids. It is totally adorable and ought to put you in the Christmas spirit! Enjoy!

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