
We have internet at our place now!!! In celebration I called my family and talked for three and a half hours! (Hey, it had been a while and we needed o catch up, okay?)
 To reward all of my faithful readers and commenters….I have a picture post about my time at the State Fair.

For an overall view, we enjoyed sculpture of the fair made out of 100 tons of sand! Our sand and snow sculptures weren’t quite this detailed!
Other incredible creations included butter sculpture of a donkey, duck and sheep in a hot air balloon basket (not sure of the significance there), and a city skyline created out of playing cards. The cardstacker started when he was 14 and broke world records by 16. He now holds a Master’s in engineering (surprise!) and is trying to break his current world record at the fair – a 25 foot tower of cards!

One of my favorite shows was the dog show (of course) where we watched acrobatics, spectacular frisbee catches and the farthest leaps over water (one dog jumped 26 ft.!)
We watched some BMX bike stunts – kids, don’t try this at home – and some acrobats that were so interesting I totally forgot to take a picture!

As the day ended we took to the skies in the Ferris Wheel – 218 feet in the air! With me is Abigail, someone who lives in the Dallas area and contacted me when we moved. I had a great time talking with her and just forging a new friendship. We had a great time and totally walked our feet off.

Lastly, here’s a picture of the Dallas skyline taken from the Ferris Wheel.

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