
Hey all! Internet access is still somewhat sporadic though Brian is working on that. Anyhow, thought I’d post a little update on how things have been going so far.
  We arrived at the apartment about midnight Friday night. Sat, we spent looking for internet so Brian could post his school assignments. Sunday we really got moving (I think getting a little more sleep really helped).
  We visited a church nearby – very friendly but we didn’t care much for the drums. We went to anther church that evening, walked in and back out – it sounded like a rock concert in there! So we went back to the first church which was having an ice cream social that night (not hard to persuade me there!)
 Sunday afternoon we took a little tour around town trying to pick up some stuff that would enhance our quality of life (like a fan for the bedroom and a toilet paper holder). After church that evening Brian got on a Mr. Fix-it spree (maybe it was the sugar). We put the fan together, assembled our new lamps,
and Brian fixed the drawer in out bathroom.

Monday came dark and early as Brian got up and got ready for his first day at work! I had the new experience of fixing him lunch and the older experience of telling him what to wear

Here he is, headed out the door! Doesn’t he look great!

While he worked away, I tried to do my part too – organizing the last frontier! I forgot to take an after shot but here is what I had to work with all Monday morning. In the afternoon I hung a few pictures and biked around town checking out what was nearby.
 Brian had a great time at work – his boss really likes him and his co-workers seem friendly, we’re hoping to have one or the other over for dinner this week. He also has a new cellphone that can get on the internet and we went to Fry’s last night to get a blue tooth headset for it – Brian is loving all the new gadgets!
  Well, I’d better let that be it for now. Until next time……

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