
The last two days Brian and I worked at the Lassiters, getting the
grounds ready for the wedding. (See, we can do something useful when
we’re together). Brian used the power washer just about the whole time,
spraying down  the arbor by the pool. It really makes a
difference! Notice how the washed beam is white and the other one is
green. He really worked hard and kept at it until the whole thing was
shining white – it’s gorgeous!

I did the little side chores, mainly painting the arch that we will be
married under. It was all rusty but it’s good now. I also did some
weeding in the rose beds surrounding the pool area. I think I have a
really good tan now 🙂

After we finished yesterday, and had admired our work and put things
away I somehow managed to “fall” in the pool! Fortunately Brian was
very close by and graciously “jumped in” to “save” me. Funny how we
both hit the water almost simltaneously. Incredibly, Brian had the
foresight to bring towels for just such an accident.

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