
I was reading Matthew 21 this evening and started thinking about the part where Jesus tells His disciples to go and get a donkey and it’s colt out of some village. What was Jesus taking? This donkey could have been someone’s transportation, or even livelihood! And the colt, that represented the future of the owner, Jesus did well to give instruction on what to do if anyone tries to stop them; say only that the Lord has need of it. Jesus gets the donkey and in the ensuing ride gets all the glory, none goes to the owner or even the donkey. Am I willing to give up my life and future when the Lord says He has need of it?

Earlier today I was talking with someone about my thoughts and plans and how the Lord might change that. Can I give up my hopes and the “glory” of a foreign mission field to serve wherever he calls, maybe out of a nice little home here in the states? The guy with the donkey could have thought, “wait, isn’t raising my donkeys your will? I thought I was abiding in your call, why are you taking this away from me?”

It reminds me of George Muller, he was called to witness to the Jewish people. He studied the language, learned the type of apologetics he would need and had practiced preaching to them while he completed his training in London, George was ready to ship out to the Middle East. But there in London God showed him another need, the orphaned children right there in his own country. Then God told Muller, give me your life and future, I have need of it. God gave him a helpmeet and together they embarked on God’s mission, ultimately helping over 6,000 kids with an incredible faith that brought much glory to God.

So yes my friend, though I am walking in the steps of a calling to Russia, if God tells me He has need of my life and future I am willing to abandon that pursuit and let Him use me for His glory. I can do it with joy and no regrets.

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