Christmas is Coming!

As Lately we Watched, a Bleak Midwinter day changed to Let it Snow.


Walking in a Winter Wonderland


One Small Child got cold after a few pictures and lacking Chestnuts Roasting over an Open Fire, settled for a cup of “warm” chocolate before heading back out to see the Holly and the Ivy.IMG_9934

All I want For Christmas….


It’s Beginning to Look like Christmas!

note: this was while Ivy was Away in a Manger, still Dreaming of a White Christmas after a Silent Night.



This is the box that I wanted.


This is the friend that came from Dallas and brought me the box that I wanted.


This is the neighbor that obtained the box and gave it to the friend that came from Dallas and brought me the box that I wanted.


This is the maintenance man (sort of) who came after hours and unlocked our house for the neighbor that obtained the box and gave it to the friend that came from Dallas and brought me the box that I wanted.


This is the phone that called the the maintenance man who who came after hours and unlocked our house for the neighbor that obtained the box and gave it to the friend that came from Dallas and brought me the box that I wanted.


This is the house where I used the phone that called the the maintenance man who who came after hours and unlocked our house for the neighbor that obtained the box and gave it to the friend that came from Dallas and brought me the box that I wanted.


This is the room in which I will scrapbook in the house where I used the phone that called the the maintenance man who who came after hours and unlocked our house for the neighbor that obtained the box and gave it to the friend that came from Dallas and brought me the box that had the pictures I wanted.


I’m thankful for friends and people that go above and beyond to bring me the pictures I forgot so I could scrapbook with Brian’s mom.

Dallas Zoo

Yesterday was 1 dollar admission day at the Dallas Zoo so Ivy, Lance and I plus two neighbor boys decided to take a little field trip. The older boy was so excited that he woke up several times that morning starting at 3:30am afraid that he’d over slept.

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Meet Tyze (12) and Kel (6) two of the nicest guys I know (besides my guys of course). These two were the biggest help and the most fun to have around. They are incredibly responsible and didn’t fight or act up – which is more than I can say for some outings I took as a kid…..


The crew hatching up some trouble in the children’s play area – they both love the “babies” and will do anything with them. (I think Ivy look like  Dr. Suess character in that hat)


Tyze took Lance through the underground tunnels. Lance was scared at first so Tyze held Ivy while I took Lance. He also watched Ivy and the stroller on the multiple occasions that I had to take Lance to the bathroom.


Kel and the giraffe – I think he would measure up to the giraffe’s knee.


Lance checks out the albino alligator in the reptile house. The boys loved the snakes and were especially desirous to tell their mom about them because she hates snakes.

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Kel loved to have his picture taken – what a natural.


For a special treat the guys rode the carousel and then the Lord provided another treat on the way out. A promo booth for 7-11 was handing out coupons for free hot dogs and slurpees so we made a stop on the way home.

Kids are such a nice excuse to go and have fun.

Ft. Worth Fun

My brother and his girl came a-vistin’…


Aren’t they cute?


My mom came along too – any excuse to see the grandkids :-)


We took them to experience Texas in it’s truest sense…the Ft. Worth cattle drive (a bunch of Longhorn steers that walk tamely down the street).


Lance showed us how to “ride ‘em cowboy”.


For lunch we ate buffalo burgers – after all, that’s a true Texas experience…or maybe it was the blue bell ice cream afterwards.


There was a neat waterfall in the conservatory at the Ft. Worth botanical gardens. Unfortunately it caused Lance to have an accident.


Brian (the brother) took this neat shot when the misters came on. Walking around in that place was almost creepy – when the leaves are bigger than you, it feels like you might meet a “larger than life lizard”
around the next bend. Fortunately we all made it out alive. We then caught two lizards that tried to run inside and Alicia got to experience holding one for the first time in her life.

Thanks for coming to see us bro!


After avoiding our morning run two days in a row on the excuse that it was cold out, I suggested that we get Brian to work early on Wed. and he come home early for an afternoon run when it was warmer. Brian thought this was a good idea and commented that if he left that early he wouldn’t have to take the kids to the potty or do anything with them.

Wed morning 4:45 am: Ivy starts crying

4:55: Brian puts a warmer blanket on her to see if she’ll go back to sleep

5:10: We give up trying to sleep and get Ivy

5:15: Lance wakes up too

5:30: we decide to bundle everyone up and go running anyhow


Getting back, Daddy takes care of Ivy while Mommy makes breakfast


Lance helps


Daddy takes Lance potty while Mommy pumps milk for Ivy


Daddy feeds Ivy while Mommy finishes breakfast and packs a lunch for Daddy

8:00 am Daddy leaves for work and Mommy puts the kids back to bed – at the time they should have just been waking up. So much for an early morning and no child care for Daddy. At least when the kids decide to be quirky Mommy and Daddy can double team them and still win!

Thanks Brian for all your help!

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