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Random events

Random events

Here’s a few fun things we have experienced recently! Big Event – about 15 college students came and helped us move dirt, clear garden space and split wood. The kids kept them well entertained at lunch and the big guy on the left was Eden’s special buddy the whole time. Livestock show: Cousin Connor was […]

Flower pictures

Flower pictures

Well, here we are, enjoying spring time and the flowers that come with the season. The morning was overcast so I thought we would gather ourselves together and take a few pictures. Well, apparently it takes awhile to gather ourselves and it was sunny by the time we arrived at a bluebonnet patch. The kids […]

Tradition continued

Tradition continued

When a birthday rolls around in Brian’s family someone often creates a treasure hunt in order for them to find their presents. Brian had a special present for Lance, so the evening after his party, Brian sat down and made some picture clues to hide around the house. They were everywhere – even in the […]

Robin Hood

Robin Hood

Our oldest turned 7 today! He is full of imagination and boyhood; he loves weapons and dress up. His current hero is Robin Hood.    Today we all became the merry men of the forest…or maybe the merry women and their fearless leader. We invited a few others to join our band and the festivities […]

Character Focus: Patience

Character Focus: Patience

At the end of 2014 I picked a word to be my focus for the coming year. For various reasons (explained in our newsletter) I picked the word “Love.” This is a really big word with a lot behind it, but I’m using the “love is” description from 1 Corinthians 13 to direct my study […]

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