You are browsing the archive for 2008.

Anniversary trip

Anniversary trip

We took advantage of Brian’s time off last week to go on a little overnight trip to celebrate our anniversary. We dropped Lance off with Grandma and headed out – just the two of us! Our first stop was the Summer camp where I worked when Brian proposed to me. We took pictures by the […]

Boy Scout Museum

Boy Scout Museum

I’m a bit behind in posting, but here’s Monday’s activities with “Uncle Dude” (a.k.a. Timothy. Tim, Lance and I rode our bikes to meet Brian at the Boy Scout museum. Lance wants to go camping. We raced pinewood derby cars with Lance at the end to tell us who won. The cars were going so […]


Lance is 8 months old today! He loves to feed himself cheerios, splash in the bath, try out everything within reach, watch food cooking and play with Daddy. He flirts with anyone who smiles at him and likes to hold on to something and stand up. He’s a busy little boy, examining things and experimenting […]

Getting ready for Grammy

Getting ready for Grammy

Lance is very excited – his Grammy is coming to see him! Mommy is working hard getting things ready so Lance decides to lend a hand…. The morning started out well as Lance took out the trash. Baking came next – “I’m helping Mommy get all the flour outside of the bowl!” Lance also proved […]

Did you know?

Did you know?

Did you know that gummy bears will quadruple in size when left in water overnight? And did you know that they retain their flavor…though somewhat “watered down?” Did you know that we can be fined for grilling on our back patio but I can grill inside our apartment using the fireplace? Did you know that […]

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