
I was reading Matthew 21 this evening and started thinking about the part where Jesus tells His disciples to go and get a donkey and it’s colt out of some village. What was Jesus taking? This donkey could have been someone’s transportation, or even livelihood! And the colt, that represented the future of the owner, Jesus did well to give instruction on what to do if anyone tries to stop them; say only that the Lord has need of it. Jesus gets the donkey and in the ensuing ride gets all the glory, none goes to the owner or even the donkey. Am I willing to give up my life and future when the Lord says He has need of it?

Earlier today I was talking with someone about my thoughts and plans and how the Lord might change that. Can I give up my hopes and the “glory” of a foreign mission field to serve wherever he calls, maybe out of a nice little home here in the states? The guy with the donkey could have thought, “wait, isn’t raising my donkeys your will? I thought I was abiding in your call, why are you taking this away from me?”

It reminds me of George Muller, he was called to witness to the Jewish people. He studied the language, learned the type of apologetics he would need and had practiced preaching to them while he completed his training in London, George was ready to ship out to the Middle East. But there in London God showed him another need, the orphaned children right there in his own country. Then God told Muller, give me your life and future, I have need of it. God gave him a helpmeet and together they embarked on God’s mission, ultimately helping over 6,000 kids with an incredible faith that brought much glory to God.

So yes my friend, though I am walking in the steps of a calling to Russia, if God tells me He has need of my life and future I am willing to abandon that pursuit and let Him use me for His glory. I can do it with joy and no regrets.


Delight thyself in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Ps. 37:4

Earlier this week I had been feeling a little overwhelmed with all the things that we needed to do before we left.  During my jog I started worrying to God about how everything was going to fit into the precious few days we had left. Realizing what I was doing I changed tact, I told God about all the silly little things I desired and then asked Him to fulfill them or to please correct my desires, but ultimately left all things in His hands.

Everything started shutting down this weekend; we taught our last American Lit class; held the last worldview class; talked to all three people that I had specifically requested of God (one was a disciple, one a discipler and one a good friend) I also took my little sister and two little friends to roller blade at a park. There were a few more desires that I had written down, but already God had allowed my heart to be free and accepting whether or not they happened, I trusted that what He brought about was what was best.

God still had great things in store for me – today was a banner day! Starting with my favorite breakfast this morning, God continued to grant undeserved blessings all day. My nephew came over and I had a wonderful time taking pictures of he and his parents, we played the best two hour game of mud soccer and then went out for pizza. Just when I thought everything was through, dad stopped at a gas station and let each of us pick out a pint of Blue Bell ice cream! We’re going to eat it tomorrow for breakfast  What neat little ways God says that He loves us, it reminds me of Matthew 7:9-11 Oh my wonderful loving heavenly Father!


Do you like the new picture? This face greets me every time I step out the door. I have a dog, loyal as all get out and as worthy a companion as I could ever ask for.

Always eager to see me I have seen her drop the game she’s playing with neighbor kids and come running as she hears our car coming up the road.

Early every morning she jumps up from her warm bed to accompany me on a several mile jog.

Her attitudes change to suit mine; always happy and ready for a game, she will just as soon calm it down and sit quietly if I’m sad or depressed.

She defers to me and quickly obeys any command, attentive not only to my voice but also to my hand and body language.

Respectful of my authority she will not violate my space without permission and is ready to meet me on whatever level I am on; once as I lay on the porch after a set of crunches my dog got down on her belly and scooted up to me and started licking my face while I reached up to rub her ears.

One of her greatest traits is her devotion to her calling – retrieving. She is never without a tennis ball, stick, or some item to be thrown and brought back. Again and again she will run at top speed to recapture what you have released, going until she can hardly walk – she gives definition to the word “doggedly.” She gives her all – she challenges me to do the same.

And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end. Heb. 6:11


The other morning I was getting ready for work and thinking how it would really be nice if I could just stay home and get a few things done. I started to ask the Lord if He could work something out but stopped, it was twenty minutes until we would leave and I had said that I would be there, I couldn’t beg off now – nothing could be done. Not two minutes later, just as I was finishing, my sister came in and said that dad had already left, she had called him and he said that he didn’t need us that morning. Wow, God did it even though I thought it was useless to ask – O ye of little faith.

About a month ago, when we first started working with dad, I got something in my eye; probably a little piece of sheetrock or sawdust or something. It didn’t bother me during the day because I had contacts, but at night every time I would start to fall asleep and my eyes would roll back it would hurt and wake me back up. I tried many different tactics to rid myself of this nuisance but nothing worked, it only hurt worse. This went on for almost a week until I finally turned to God and told Him that I really needed Him to get that thing out of my eye. I needed some good rest and I was afraid of my eye being permanently damaged. That night when I went to sleep it was gone! Not a week later I had the same problem but in the other eye. This time it only took me three days to ask the Lord to remove the problem and He did.

Everything has gone well until just a few days ago when it happened again. Having already forgotten His goodness and care for His children, I endured a night hoping it would go away. We suffer so needlessly, if only we would ask. The next night as I took out my contacts I again became aware of the speck in my eye, only this time I asked the Lord to clear it away. I finished getting ready, read a few chapters of The Prince and the Pauper, a chapter of Matthew and then lay down to sleep, and you know what? My eye was fine, the speck was gone!

The Lord loves His children and will give them good things, we must learn to ask.


The last week of our break is upon us.  Much has been accomplished, and much growth has taken place. Though I am loath to leave my home I can go forth in the knowledge that whatever awaits me is necessary for the fulfilling of God’s plan, therefore I am content.

I hope to spend the remainder of my time here with:

Family (especially my nephew Connor)

Friends – planning the antics to take place when next we meet (right Mikaela?)

Soccer – Because Texas has great weather and Flint does not.

Blue Bell – Local ice cream with a taste as big as Texas, you can never have too much.

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