You are browsing the archive for 2017.
2 birthdays!
A little catch up here on our March birthdays – Lance and Eden. We happen to be studying flying insects for science in our homeschool co-op. This became the theme of our little celebration that appealed both to Eden (beautiful butterflies) and Lance (creepy crawlies). I planned some activities and spent a fun Monday with […]
Fun Run!
In our household I tend to be an idea generator and Brian tends to be the working force that makes it happen – we’re a good team that way. Well, I had this idea that it would be “fun” to train for a race with the kids. We looked around at several options and settled […]
An idea, tabled.
When we first moved into our house we lacked a dining table. At that time, my brother, who manages rentals, had a table from one of those houses that the tenets had left behind. This happily filled our need and along with folding chairs has served us well for the last four years. However, as […]
The Ice Storm
Texas winter 2017 proved to be quite severe. Subfreezing temps gripped the land for two whole days, causing everyone to bundle up and sit by the fire! This report centers around an extremely localized ice storm that happily landed in the backyard of a family here in the Brazos Valley. Having missed the winter of […]